YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, DONE STUPID IB EXAMS! I NEVER have to be stressed about that crap again!
Da, I'm gonna kill you.
Stupid Physics unit exam is ruining my happiness about IB exams being over, now I must kill something.
Thank goodness I get to watch Braveheart tonight, that should sooth things a bit (because it's Scottish). And thank goodness there is the prospect of another book because the book reminds me of the good ol' times. Which are still usually good but occasionally not. But don't go getting offended again guys cuz you have no part in making times not good if indeed they are not so spectacular. Cuz really all times are spectacular, it's just the underlying things that are dumb.
My eyes are officially green...or so Arthi says. Yay! She didn't even say Hazel, she said GREEN! Muahahahahaha, I'm the green-eyed monster! Or does that mean something significant that's not true? Meh.
Anywho, I'm gonna go now. So see ya!

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