My entire body is in a state of pain. Well, actually it's only my skin and bones that hurt. And my head. And my tumors (which are actually lymph nodes). Somehow my temperature has managed to level out at 99.6. Well, that was this morning. So by now it should be higher since I've actually moved since then. But I'm sure I'm far from denaturing still. Although feeling like this for two days is rather draining, it could be much worse. Good thing I don't have to study this weekend otherwise I'd fail everything. Ow, I need to do something that requires no thinking or movement. Esecially of the eyes. And preferably with no light, cuz that hurts me eyes. Perhaps I'm turning into Gollum! Anyway, I'll probably have to go stare at the TV screen for a while, that's the closest I can get to doing nothing. Besides sleeping, which I can't do right now cuz I woke up so late (12:30, it's been a lonf time since I've slept that long...). And besides the fact that it will probably induce more pain upon my eyes, it sounds like 'fun'. Ok, nevermind, Dad's just decided to take over the TV so I'm stuck here. Well, have a great day guys.

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