Well, today has been another boring day in the boring life of Ste so I'll spare you the details. Besides that, I have nothing to say cuz I never reveal the inner workings of my brain. I'm really liking this book though. It'd be SO very weird to fall asleep in one world and wake up in another. And then when you fall asleep in 'another' you wake up in the first world. And neither one is a dream because they're just not (great explanation hey?). And to find out they're actually the same place only separated by so many years that things are no longer recognizable. Ted Dekker rocks.
Just to let you know...I GET TO SLEEP IN TOMORROW!!! One class guys, just one! How fabulous. And we have to go visit Da at her new place of employ. It's essential to life.
Hahahaha, the music video for 'My Band' is hilarious. Especially the salsa part. Haha.
You know guys, all we have to do is invent a car that goes faster than the speed of sound and we can go back in time. I just don't know why it's taken so long to do it. :: drip :: I wonder how you could go forward in time though (as in, FAR ahead in time, obviously I'm going ahead in time right now). I mean, it's obviously not by going slower than the speed of sound cuz I'm also doing that right now and I'm not in the 25th century or anything. This leads me to believe that there is no time. That's right, NO time. Everything is happening right now. And obviously if time actually CHANGES, like, really becomes completely different when you travel at different high speeds we cannot say that time is constant. Therefore time may not be another dimension, but time itself has other dimensions OR it just doesn't exist at all. And that is my theory.
And here's the deep question of the day...do you believe there are alternate futures (based on choices that COULD be made in different ways) or is there merely one set future? As in, does the future change with every choice that you make or is it already permanent? If it IS permanent then we have another argument for everything happening at once because otherwise there is no way that the future could be permanent unless there is a 'higher being' (of which I know) who can make things happen that defy all rules and laws that we know and/or all logic is thrown to the wind. I'm thinking logic is not so fabulous. ANYWAY, I can tell I have evoked great confusion (mostly in myself) so I shall cease this rambling now. Have a fabby day y'all! :D :D

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