I love fog. So peaceful and cool. Mmmmhm. Better when you're in it though.
OK, Dave, if you ever read this, which I doubt, I have to talk to you cuz my Dad wants your phone number so he can talk to your rents. He wants to make sure you're not a bad boy or anything. So, unless you are and your parents know it, you have nothing to be afraid of.
Um, ok, onto other news...there is no other news. Except I don't have work again right now. My boss is in a meeting, so I can't go ask for more. Oh well!! It's like, FRIDAY for me cuz I have tomoz AND Friday off. LONG WEEKEND! You guys, I TOTALLY didn't know that school started today. I was babysitting last night for hair-crisis ridden sobbing children (actually, that was only the girl, but I managed to fix the crying in about 2 minutes...maybe I have special talent in the stop crying department. Maybe it's cuz I throw all dignity out the window and do wierd things to make them laugh...HA.) and they said they had school tomorrow! I was in shock. THAT'S why we couldn't go hiking, Jon actually has to WORK! :O This is the first year in 16 that mom and dad don't have to like, bring a child to school on the first day. Carayzeh! And you guys start on Monday...oh dear, what am I gonna do till I leave? You'll all be busy studying and stuff and I'll just like, never see you again. Alas. Perhaps one day I shall pop up at the uni and say hi. Providing that wouldn't be too embarassing for y'all. And providing that I coudl actually find you in the schmozzle. Ok, I'm gonna go now. See yas all! Luv ya! Mwah! :D