My hair is so dark, it’s like SUPERPLUM. However, it doesn’t look black like those other two times. Of course, that was cuz those times the dyes were actually shades of black. So, I’m still not sure whether dark coloured hair makes me look worse or better. It was pretty horrid for my passport picture, but then I had lighter hair in the more recent passport pictures and it was still horrid so it must just be me in general that makes things hideous. I still need to take a picture of me in my apparel d’industrie because it’s sexy. Well, some people seem to think it would be anyway. I totally disagree. However, they have also never seen me in person before, so. When I get my digital camera I’ll see what I can do. And I should have it by tomorrow at the latest. Yeehaw! Maybe I’ll use my VISA again. OOoooooooh, good thing I’m stingy or I’d be using my new credit card WAY too much. As is, I’ve only used it on a well-worth-it park pass which was only 5 dollars. And was for a vehicle full of adults, or so we decided from the nature of the pass and the fact that the parks people were on strike. HaHA. So THERE you strike-y people. I’m gonna go look at stuff now, so bye.

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