So, in an effort to minimize wasted time on the internet, I am posting in Word. And eventually, will post in blog. You know, I’ve most recently discovered that putting nail polish on over top of white-out (on your nails) has an interesting effect. It’s kindof like the thing that a French manicure does except with white-out which is likely much more toxic. Especially Corporate Express brand. Hmmm, interesting indeed. Cran-Grape juice by OceanSpray is also very good.
You know guys, my life is so sad right now. I get up at 6:30am, leave for work at 7:30pm, get home from work around 5:00pm, talk to people on MSN for about 45 minutes to an hour and then eat supper. After supper I will usually start doing something and fall asleep about 15 minutes later until 9:30pm at which time I get ready for bed and then go to bed. So basically, I have an hour to an hour and a half of free time every day. What can you do with that? Not much at all.
Ooooh, good stuff here. I have a 4 day weekend next week! Wahoo!!!!! That IS exciting my friends. That’s 4 days in which I can do things and not wake up at 6:30 in the morning. I may even be able to remember my dreams, which is usually something to look forward to. Especially when it’s about getting lost in England on rollerblades with Christie (I don’t know why she would be there…) or getting lost in England by myself at some school and then finding random people to talk to. Ok, so that sounds really sad. But it’s exciting in my dreams. OH, and then there was the other time that mom and I were in Egland at this big honkin’ and really expensive hotel that was really nice cuz it was old. And we were trying to walk there from the airport, which turned out quite disastrous. I think we even had a ‘nice’ view of the river (we were in London), except it looked a lot like the North Saskatchewan River by Rundle Park. And then, we wanted to go somewhere, and I showed all the sexist Brits that girls really CAN drive just as well and undangerously as guys even when it’s on the ‘wrong’ side of the road and the car is weird. Honestly, I don’t know how I’m gonna survive when I go…they’re probably gonna be calling me American AND a bad driver. OH well, I know how to get to them. I can either say that they suck at football (I really don’t think I’d say that cuz…I wouldn’t want to make another murder case for the police-men, and besides, they’re probably fabulous at football…I’m just too ignorant to know) or I can call them Europeans. MuaHA! They have no idea what’s coming. But then again, they wont even think of insulting me when they see how very hot I am. Except I’m not hot, but that is not the point. I intend to wear my shiny black plastic jacket and sunglasses and hoop earring and I will stun them all into awed silence. Well, I guess not all because only one of them will actually see me when I ‘step off the plane’. But still, he is one of the major benefactors of calling me American and calling girls bad drivers. Anywho, I’m now rambling and my point is lost because I’m not hot. So luv y’alls, g’bye! :D

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