I had another bad dream last night, and the night before. They are increasing in NUMBER. Except yesterday’s was one of those running away dreams, which I used to have all the time but have now not had for ages. It was scary. But they always are. And it’s weird because I never used to remember my dreams when I had such a lack of sufficient sleep, as in, I only remembered them when I could sleep in but NOW they are always there; stuck in my head. Very dastardly. Perhaps my brain is reshaping itself and I will soon become an outgoing non-shy person. HA. No, I don’t think that’s gonna happen. But one can always hope. Although, hope is not always the best.
Hmmm, I just ate a candy and it tasted like Dill Pickle Chips. That happens to be very unusual.
I just had the intense desire to go to the ocean on a windy and cool day to watch the waves. These things are weird. Humph. Too bad the ocean is so far away.
Oooh, I just went out in the plant again. ‘Twas exciting, we go to utilise a dental mirror. And it was cooler outside than in here, but now the air conditioning is back on, yay! Fireproof things sure are warm.
Ok, bye.

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