Sleep, No I Never Get Enough
So, my sleep count for the past two days is about 10 hours. I know, compared to the records of many people that's nothing. But I am still functioning fully and am not even tired. I went to sleep about midnight last night and got up at 6:45 (but actually woke up at 6, to my great chagrin) this morning to go to work. Which I got back from like half an hour ago...when Christie was still sleeping. But work will be great. I get to sit at a computer all day making lists of stuff, and the computers have MSN. AND, I can listen to music the whole time! Yeeeeeeeeehaw!!!!!!!! It's so great. Girl who I'm filling in for for the first month and a half is going to Quebec City and then to Halifax for school next year. Coolness to the max. We're like, the traveling bunch. And Christie and I have decided to play tennis at least two times a week so we can get better. So anyone with a tennis racket who ever wants to go tennis it up, give me a shout. Of course, it works best when we can recruit an even number of people (including us) so we can have even teams. Yesterday some nice hot-ish (but kinda, mid twenties) came and played on the other court and we were all hitting balls in the wrong direction so it was good times. I'm horrible at serving, that's always the part I can't do very well.
Going to watch a *footie* game tonight! Yeehaw!!!!!!!! It's gonna be reminiscent of the FIFA game, same place...sorta same time...double-header. Of course, there are bad memories from that day, such as the breaking of my Canada umbrella but those are minor details. I must learn all the rules of soccer before I got to England or else I wont know what's going on.
I think I'll have Butternut Squash Soup for lunch. For those of you who don't like squash and have never had this soup, it's good. Even Lo says so and she's the picky squash-hater. So heed my advice and try it sometime or your life will never be complete and you will be forced to haunt the soup aisle of Superstore forever and anon (what does that actually mean?) until someone cooks you some Butternut Squash Soup and leaves it out in the dark of the night, still steaming and hot for your enjoyment. You have been warned; if this scenario becomes true you must consider it your own fault and question why you did not listen to Stef.
Anywho...I'm gonna leave now cuz...I'm just rambling again. So have a supercalafragalistically fabulous day. What does supercalafragalistic mean again? And expialladocious? I want to watch Mary Poppins now. Old Disney movies were fabby to the max. Come to think of it, so are new Disney movies. Disney rocks. But quite obviously, The Lion King beats them all cuz...that's the only one I was adament enough to own. Well, I have POTC now too, but that's different. I mean, there aren't any sing-alongable songs and that's the best part. Didn't I say just awhile ago that I was gonna go? Yes, I did. So I reiterate my best wishes to you and yours for the day and GOOD BYE! The cheer of my life had returned in high style (except I'm not stylish) so...bye lovlies! :D :D :)

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