You'll probably be surprised to know that Ogden Heights is really less lofty than you may think. It also turns out that I will never know who's blocking me and who's not. Unless of course you're shown as online, then I will know you aren't blocking me even though you may want to extremely badly. Anyway, I'm hyper and studying right now, so that's all I have to say. Except it's not cuz I also feel rather like an evil fiend right now. Despite the fact that it's not the most pleasant feeling in the world, I have managed to retain my secrets and that is a good thing. Probably. Darn. I did tell you that your efforts would be fruitless, with my sufficient stubbornness and all. But you know, I'm not going to tell you just for the sake of telling you. There would be absolutely no logical point in doing that. Except that then you would know, which was your aim. Unless of course you were aimless. Of course, since my aim was completely opposite of your aim, we have a bit of a problem now don't we? Yes, but all in all, it does not matter because the importance of what I would have said should you have been persistent enough (that would have taken several hours at the very least) would have been around the zilch point. And since I have just written this in vain because you probably don't care (not to degradate your caringness) whether I tell you or not, I shall actually leave now. I have efficiently wasted/spent about 10 minutes of my studying time, which was most likely the final prompt to get me to write this anyway. Soooo, that is all. Most of you, if not all of you, will have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. Therefore I shall insist that you assume I'm insane as per usual and we can go around in circles about that for a while. Ok, now that I've sounded more bitter and scathing than I meant to, I'm gonna go before I say something horrible. Bye! :)

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