You guys. I just found a stash of Chocolate Chocolate Chip cookies in the cold storage. That was a rockin' discovery. I bet it was almost as historical as the discovery of the Magna Carta of Kind Tut's tomb.
Mom made resurrection buns. They're fabby. I mean, come on, Easter bread AND marshmallows all wrapped up into one. Except the marshmallow mysteriously disappears when you cook the buns hence 'resurrection' buns.
"I found a reason for me to change who I used to be. A reason to start over new, and the reason is you. I found a reason to show a side of me you didn't know. A reason for all that I do, and the reason is you." Man, that song rocks. It's like, beauty. But I sed all that yesterday.
Ok, so today I couldn't concentrate in Physics AT ALL. I was just sitting there 'ecstatically' finishing the questions and then I was done about a million years before the bell rang so then I sat and helped Arthi with her math homework. And I spilled about half my water bottle on myself and then I went to the bathroom for no particular reason. Which is usually what happens because frankly wandering the hallway (ie going to the washroom) without permission is way more fun than thinking and being jittery and staring at the clock for half an hour. And then Arthi was like 'you seem really happy today' and I spilled on myself some more and she told me that I was clumsy so I laughed which made me spill some more water on myself and then I asked if she did that on purpose and she sed yeh and we laughed some more. And that was exciting. It was a good ol' time. Except she called me a nerd. But that's ok cuz I always knew I was a nerd and she was just joking. Seriously guys, I don't think I sat still for more than 30 seconds today. Long weekends should not be allowed to do that to me. I was not tempted to fall asleep at all today which just shows you how very effective the prospect of long weekends have on my awake-ness. Not like I payed any more attention than usual. In fact, I think today was worse than usual for paying attention. I was just, not able to concentrate at all. Long weekend and spring, bad combination if you want me to concentrate guys. And then in Math when I just left. Ah yes, sneaking out right behind Mr. Broemling, good good times. He just lets us slack off so much. It's great.
ANYWAY, goodbye. Have a fabulosa day because you should. And now I shall be shovelling off (you will only get that if you listen to The Life of Riley. Best old radio show ever, you are deprived if you don't listen to it. Although all the comedies are pretty good.). Bye! :D

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