Yeeeeeh, I know, I've already posted too much today. But in my boredom that could easily have been filled with studying that I REALLY need to do, I had to read all the guestbook entries of days gone by. Ahh, the good times. All these memories of Gus, Sir Amanda of Janesville, Prince Nickyl, writing secret entries in my guestbook (hahaha, it's so fun to mess with your minds), learning about the history of blogs, crappy days, Filo's dissapearance, etc. So much has changed since then (even though 'then' is less than a year ago), probably mostly for the better. I mean, instead of constant depression it only comes in waves now. Waves that are getting further and further apart as I actually seek help for it. Yaha, help actually works. And NO, by help I do not mean therapy. Therapy may actually be one of those things I fear. I may have to get therapy to get over my fear of therapy. But if I do, they're gonna have to drug me and then drag me in. I'll leave a trail of bread crumbs, please come rescue me if it happens. Anyway, gonna go attempt to study now...:D

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