Well, I expect that since everyone else posted (uncharacteristically) today I could either be uncharacteristic as well and not post or be predictable and post. And I've decided that posting is much more fun. So that is what I'm doing. The only problem is, I have nothing exciting to say. And although I don't usually have anything exciting to say, today is different. And don't even ask why cuz frankly, it's probably not different at all.
So, I've thought of something to say. We may be able to have a little roadtrip to the mountainous regions of Alberta for my birthday. Is that not good stuff? I say it's good stuff. The coast, according to mom, is too far. Come on, it's only like...I dunno, 1000 km or so? Don't laugh if that's completely off. But yeh, I haven't been there since New Years two years ago I believe. Or maybe more. It was the year The Fellowship Of The Ring came out in the theatres. And I read the LOTR books while I was there. I can't believe it was so long ago already! It's so sad, I must weep now. :: weep :: Which reminds me of Kamloops last summer when it was so frickin' hot I got a burn from walking across the Save-On-Foods parking lot.
So now that I've posted, I'm gonna leave. Have fabby days! :D

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