So today we went away. And it was great fun. First, we played on the mondo pile of hay bales which was bigger than my house in length and breadth. And then we ate lunch which was fabulous, but way too filling for the likes of me. Then there was searching for Easter eggs which turned out a bit floppy for my chocolate bunny in particular. Mine being hidden in the hardest spot, which happened to be on top of the birdhouse in the scorching sun, turned out rather interesting. You see, the sun was really, really shining directly on it. So when I got it it was rather unbunny-like and rather on the more liquid side of things. So basically I was carrying around a bag of squishy chocolate until it exploded in my hand and I had to eat part of it so it didn't all leak out. It was fun, really. And then we sat around and ate dessert for ages. And then, one of the highlights of the day, Chantelle and I went quading. What a joy. And it was great, cuz it says on the quad that no one under 16 should operate it (Chantelle is 13/14) and no passengers allowed. I think at one time there were about 5 people on it. ANYWAY, Chantelle and I went out by ourselves and then she let me drive. The gas button is really sensitive on that thing. It was so funny, I jerked to a start and freaked both of us out. And I was speeding along at a terrifying pace of 25 km/hour. Really quite scary when you think about it. I mean, those cow pies are pretty dangerous to run over. Along with trees. But then I went and jumped on the trampoline for like an hour and a bit which was totally awesome because trampolines are just super-duper good stuff. And then I went out on the quad again, this time with Tash, who is younger than Chantelle, and it was good fun. She's an insane driver, she lives on the edge that one. So then she let me drive in the bull pen and I showed her what living on the edge was REALLY like. I mean, we were up and down those hills in no time flat. As well as over those trees and logs and holes in the ground. And puddles. But seriously guys, this time I was really speeding along. I think I got up to 40 km/hour. Keep in mind this is off the road, we're talking gopher holes and major dips in the ground. No dead cow incidence this time though, that was a rather pleasant surprise. Although we did see a dead deer on the side of the road on the way home. At least this time we didn't run it over, it can cause a rather big jolt when you do. And a fear of dead things getting up and attacking you in the middle of the night. Thief has ruined my peace with things that are dead for life. Anyway, I'm gonna go now since I'm sure I've overflowed your attention span by now. Have a wonderful day! :D :D
Will this work? It didn't yesterday, garbles on that.

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