So, teaching Sunday school was great today. I mean, the donkey was awesome. But then the little girl threw up. Apparently she had eaten quite recently because the 'food' was recognizable. She either ate strawberries or strawberry jam as some part of her breakfast. I was actually quite proud of myself, I didn't get queasy in the slightest. I seem to be doing better when people get 'sick' (to put it lightly) recently. Perhaps I'm cut out for nursing after all. Although I'm extremely grateful that she wasn't choking thus saving me from having to practice the heimlich maneuver for the first time since I learned it. I've not been keeping up on my 'save a teddy bear a month' regimen. I should really do that. I wouldn't want to be caught helpless in a situation such as that. Anyway, see yas all! Have a fabby day! :D

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