So apparently this morning was very productive for me. I found out I have perfect hearing, which I knew already from the OTHER hearing test. Then mom decided it'd be a great time to look for grad shoes, so we did that. I found out that me feet are hideous, which comes as not much of a surprise, AND my ankles are too big. Cursed big bones. Anyway, I've already ranted about my big bones so I'll continue...I bought grad shoes. Then I bought (actually, mom did) a watch strap since mine is officially dilapitated (although that's not the word I was looking for), now I'll be able to find out the time on my own, one less thing to bother y'all about. Then we went to Reflections and got me some 'grad accessories' which makes me shudder, but they're shiny so that's great. Now I've sufficiently spent all of mom's money for one stinkin' occasion. Oh well, she didn't complain.

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