School sucks. Especially all the subjects. Physics is pretty crap too, but at least it's easy. There is a small bit of good news though, I found my Physics books. And my agenda and 'Master Harold...and the Boys..." In the exact place I left them of course (the last place I looked too! ;)), but how anyone expects me to remember where these things are is beyond me.
So, at my aunt and uncle's on Saturday I revealed something to my cousin; I'm about the most impatient person you could ever meet. I mean, a lot of times I SHOW my impatience (usually this type of impatience is the impatience regarding non-important issues), but most of the time (just shows how often I really AM impatient) I hide it and it's really, really, really difficult. Like the other 'characteristics' I hide, but those are best left untold...until a later occasion...perhaps. But yeh, the hard times are upon me. Not in an actual hard times sense, but in a more 'hard times' sense. Ha, what sense I make. What light beyond yonder window breaks. I wonder if people really do explode if they bottle things up long enough. [Do you put a question mark after wondering...sentences?] Hmm, I shall ponder this. Or perhaps I shall just do that and then we'll all know. What fun that would be. Deoxyribonucleic acid, is that even right? I guess I should study. Although I still remember all the circulatory crap that I learned on Saturday. And alosteric enzymes, I know those too. But yeh, I'm feeling the boredom that's descending upon you as a result of my boring life, so I'll just go and leave you in peace now. Peace out! Hahahaha, have a fantabulous day! :D

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