OK, how unfair is it that people in the US, South Carolina to be precise, graduate on May21st while we have to wait until that day in June that I don't know off hand? It's so unfair.
And hey, remember Chad? I forget his last name but he moved to Texas in grade 5 or 6...I used to be friends with him, we had a fight once when I accidentally shoved him in front of a car. He's (talkin' aboot Chad again) probably, like, the hottest guy in Texas by now. Yeh, him...I don't believe how many guy friends I used to have, it's unheard of. Grade 6 was such a good ol' time, chucking things at people, talking with the guys in our corner, trying to instruct Ali how to make a paper airplane when he barely spoke English, him singing me Backstreet Boys songs and asking me if I had a boyfriend. I miss Ali, he disappeared, maybe he went back to Iran. I was so scared of him, well, not scared. Just, you know, when you're in grade 6 and a guy starts hitting on you...I was kinda wary. But he was fabulous. I mean, who's ever gonna sing me Backstreet Boys songs again or stop me on my way home and talk to me? Or teach me how to write from the right side of the page to the left and to speak and write whatever that language was that he spoke. Aramaic? I dunno, I'm sadly behind the times on what they speak there. He's probably hot now too. Well, maybe not, but you never know. I'm sure he's at least slightly dece. So completely unfair. Elementary school was so fabulous, I could actually talk to people then, most of the time guys, and it didn't matter that I was hideous. I was friends with all the cool people of today, and now they're all cool and don't talk to me anymore. Oh well, that's fine with me. It's so great when you're young, you can be friends with anyone and be popular even if you aren't gorgeous. Well, I don't know if I was popular, but I talked to everyone. Like, had real conversations without worrying about what was coming out of my mouth. And the stuff we were learning was easy. Good times. And remember that girl from Iceland? Gunhilda I do believe her name was. She was cool too, and her brother was in Christie's class. ANYWAY, must go sleep now. Reminiscing just makes grade 12 suck even more.

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