Lo man, I so wish you'd had a camera yesterday at lunch so you could have taken a picture of my evil glare that literally burned with the fires of a thousand evils. Picture it; the inner struggle of whether or not to shove you in return (a lot harder though)would be evident in my eyes. Although you wouldn't be able to see the slight movement right after you 'shoved' me (can that even be CALLED a shove?) that was me reacting. Good thing I'm capable of restraining myself and figured the glaring was sufficient. That my friends is a classic example (except maybe not so classic?) of transference. Or whatever that was we were talking about in English. Anyway, Lo man totally didn't deserve it and apparently I was in a much worse mood than I had envisioned. So, I restrained myself (boy, that was difficult) and had an extreme surge of evil. That right there was a little bit of a crack in my fakeness people, or in my acting. Call it what you will. Now we know what's REALLY underneath. Which I didn't know before either, and frankly it's not a good thing. But I'm very proud of that fact that I was able to restrain myself and I honestly hope I never get that angry again. Because I've never been that angry before and it was horrible. It was seriously into mode of having no idea what I was doing. Like those things you hear about when people go insane and start killing people and then after they have no recollection of it? That's what it was going into, except not that bad cuz I can honestly say I wasn't nor am I harbouring any desire to kill anyone. But yeh, that was the interesting experience of yesterday which I seriously never want to have again. It's surprising how very much such small issues can affect me.
And you know what distresses me? No one has commented in like 3 days! :: sob :: Ok, I know, it's really not that big of a deal, obviously you have nothign to say. But REALLY, there must be something for you to say. Especially in regards to the JASPER matter.
In other news, school was horrible again. Tests were crap, 'specially math which I'm pretty certain I failed. Social was pretty good and so was Physics. Highlights of the day were (as per usual) 'sneaking' out of Math, sneaking into Lo's Chem. class, and sneaking out of the library. Perhaps when I grow up I should be a sneaker. Ha, not. And then there was lunch when you guys ditched me to go watch a fight. Fup. That was the meanest thing ever. Well, I guess that'll put me off of skipping your Forensics presentations ever cuz now I really know what it's like to sit by myself. And that was the daily update on Stef's boring life. Have a fabby day and I'll try to as well, although you may wish worse things upon me. ;) :D
P.S. I'm actually happy, if this post sounds anything other than happy to you, you should check your comprehension skills. Muahahaha! :D

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