I need a penseive. Unfortunately, the kind I'm looking for only exists in the world of Harry Potter. And maybe some other fantasy stuff, but I'm not really up with the times on that. Actually, I need something that can rid me of all voluntary thought. Alas, in this age of useless technology I'll have to suffice with actually thinking which at the moment is detrimental to my health. Usually thinking doesn't bother me but on the rare occasion it does, such as today. It literally is detrimental to my health. Along with the fact that I seem to have contracted some disease that makes me shake, makes my hands cold on every possible occasion, and makes me so dead I sit on the couch like a potato when I'm babysitting (which is extremely uncharacteristic of me), I'm also hungry due to the fact that I craftily avoided supper and haven't eaten since I discovered those cookies which could in fact be the reason why I avoided dinner so deviously. Alas, I cannot eat now because I'm going to bed soon and that would also be unhealthy. And besides, last time I ate anything substantial I felt like throwing up until the end of Social. Which is really a quite unpleasant feeling as some of you may know. Since I have managed to avoid the dreaded vomir for these past many years, I really would like to keep up my record and not start now. Even through summer when the 'morning sickness' (due to the one we now fondly know as Roger, or so some of you like to think) I didn't throw up once and it was quite a scheduled feeling every stinkin' day of summer. So yeh, as you may have gathered I'm not feeling so well. Perhaps I shall have to take some sleeping pills that are non-existent in my house so I can sleep through the weekend. I should study. But procrastination is so much more appealing. And I'd much rather get rid of this dreadful ickyness. Except I have to deliver my flyers tomorrow, and what a surprise! They've given me extras again. That's two months now guys, it's about time you payed me some extra cash. That would be a bit of a cheery point. Anyway, I suppose I better sleep now so I can at least die peacefully if my life chooses to leave me tonight. Not like it really will (although you never know), and I haven't decided whether that's a good or a bad thing yet. I guess we'll see tomorrow when I wake up hopefully without a headache or anything related to sickness. Yeh, so by everyone. Hope you're having a fabby dream right now and feeling a whole lot better than I am. :S :)

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