Here's a pointer to all of you: When talking to someone of British-ness for the first time, do NOT let them coerce you into speaking in an English accent. "The water in Majorca doesn't taste like it ought to." Fup. The good news, he had to say "My name is Stephanie and I'm from Alberta" in a Canadian accent which was also highly amusing, although I suspect he may have had a better Canadian accent than my British one. Which is weird because I always talk to myself in a fabulous British accent, I guess it was just that the pressure was on. AND, I taught him how to say Saskatchewan, that seems to be the one no one knows how to say, eh? Hey Luke, how did you think Arkansas was pronounced when you 'first saw it', whenever that may have been? Cuz it's been pointed out to me that what WOULD make sense (when compared with the pronunciation of Kansa) would be R-Can-Zass, and I was wondering if that's the general opinion. Which totally makes sense. But anyway, I have to go sup now. See yas! :D

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