Go here. It's fun. Trust me. That is, if you like that kind of game.
Ok, you guys. The Reason by Hoobastank ROCKS. Like, it is awesome and beautiful and just gorgy. Let's check if they have any other rockin' songs. Not bad, but not so awesome compared to The Reason.
People e-mailed me back. Rock on, communication between future Capernwray-ees. In two months, I will be purchasing my plane tickets, if all goes well, and then I'll be all set. Although I should probably get my VISA soon so they don't arrest me when I enter the country. Yeh, I'm thinkin' that probably wouldn't be such a good thing. And I still need to send off those £20 for the bus. I should do that. Or else I'll have to take the train or something and that would be just dastardly. Yesterday mom came and asked me when I was leaving and she wrote it in her booky thing and I realized how very close it is. And she sed I'll probably be flying during the night of the 24th so as long as I can make it to the bus station by noon on the 25th I wont have to pay for an extra night in London. Not like I wouldn't want to, but I'd probably get myself lost and waste too much money. So that's a bit of a drawback. I bet you guys are getting sick of me talking about Capernwray all the time, hey? I'll buy you things, so be happy. Genuine merchandise for the tourists in the UK. Rock on. I don't like beingperceivedd as a tourist. I feel locals look down theirnosess at me then. It's very disconcerting. Although guess I deserve it cuz yesterday I mistakenly called a British person European. I mean, that is just SO wrong. Although I was thinking that sounded wrong before I said it. But I still sed it, and I have learned from my mistake.
Only 3 more months of teachy-learny. Then I work for 2 months. Then I sit around for almost a month, then I go to gorgeous place, again if all goes well.
I'm listening to Spice Girls right now. Is that not weird? Yes, that is weird. But oh well, because they can be good. And now I'm listening to Sting. Nothing has beaten his Desert Rose song for beauty yet, but this one's pretty good.
And I wasgonea say a whole bunh more but now I have taken up too much space. So g'bye. have a fab day! :D

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