A Day
So, today was like, awesomest ever. It started at 8:25am when I got up. Which wasn't so great, but THEN we ran to the bus stop which was totally detrimental to my health and also not so great (jk, it was great, i love running; it's so very exhilerating). But by the time we got to the uni it was fabulosa. SO, I was helping out with the clothing exchange in Tory Hall and like, whoa, I love university. People are like, friendly and talkative and I seriously made at least 3 friends today. One of them was Chinese and apparently 20-something although she looked and sounded younger to me. And, get this, she told me she likes me TWICE and she said I'm cute and lovely and beautiful about 6 times. Like, how incredibly flabbergasted was I???? Let me tell you, that was the awesomest EVER. And then I was walking around the U of A and totally finding my way around and it was awesome and we went to TravelCuts again and people are just so awesome! I can't even count how many people I TALKED to today. And you must realize, I am incredibly shy so this is a major breakthrough. And then we went to Shine which was also awesome, I got a whole whack of 'new' clothes AND it was absolutely gorgeous outside. So then, I get home and on my bed is this letter from EnviroFuels with the fanciest lettering in the history of the world in shiny pen. And guess what is in there but MY CONTRACT telling me that I have a good paying summer job as long as I pass the medical. IS THIS NOT ROCKIN'??????????? Yes, yes it is! And THEN, I went to the thing at Da's church and I got there and discovered I had to make a speech so from that moment on until about an hour and a half later I was tearing up every 2 minutes or so. I finally completely broke down when the pastor prayed for me. HELLO! That was embarrassing, there I was weeping in front of all these girls and their family and friends and I don't even know WHY I was crying. Worst of all was that my parents were there. Augh, parents should never be allowed to know that I am capable of crying. Especially at something like this. I've always suspected that I'm way to sensitive. But then we desserted it up and went to the leg and had too many people in the van and had a good ol' time besides that fact that I don't even 'know' most of those people. And then I came home, got Lo's email and here I am. So, I have no idea what's going on tomorrow...er...today and frankly I'm out of money. I was gonna transfer some but now it's too late. So I'll come to WEM tomorrow if I know what's going on, but I can't buy anything cuz money is gone. GONE! And yeh, today was an awesome day and I can't wait to university cuz I can actually make conversation without sounding like a complete idiot. I can INITIATE conversation. You know how many times I initiated conversation today? It was amazing. Like, who knew I could do it? (I am so pitifully shy, man it's annoying.) Older people are just so much easier to converse with. At least older strangers. So yeah, I think I'm gonna go sleep now. Cuz I'm tired seeing as I've been up for about 16 hours. Which isn't really that much in the great scheme of things, but you know. Yeh, g'night folks. :D Have a great day!

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