All you suckers working out all your university plans. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeh yeh, I'm gonna have to do that all next year, I'll probably have to apply from England as a matter of fact but right now I'm just gonna be super ecstatic about my England plans. Which, by the way, are going well since I probably now have a travel buddy from Lethbridge cuz he emailed me back and sed it would be great to 'hook up'. Yehar, I might not have to survive Heathrow all by myself! And I was 'reading' that book Lou, the gorgeosity of the pictures is so fabulous I don't see how I'm ever going to be able to leave. Plus I'm going to Scotland so...yeh. You guys must all come visit me and then we can all be unable to leave together. Like, why is not EVERY country that gorgeous? Hello, so very unfair. Anyway, if I keep thinking about this I wont be able to concentrate on my studying...which I'm actually going to do. So g'bye and have a super cool avec knobs day! :D

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