You know what rocks you guys? What rocks is, I AM NOW A FULLY LICENSED (albeit-what exactly does that mean-a GDL Licensed)DRIVER. Except I didn't get my REAL license today, just a paper one cuz it takes two weeks for the actual one to get made. How retarded. Lou, your prediction was off by 40 for how many deductions I'd get. You know what that means? Yes, I need to hire a new psychic AND I got ZERO deductions. Rock ON. And when I parallel parked the lady was like 'that was perfect' and the whole test took less than 20 minutes cuz according to the tester I did nothing wrong. This is so great. However, I am unable to drive to church and movie tomorrow because dad has forbidden me to drive alone until he checks out the insurance stuff and insures me to drive alone. Which sucks, but oh well. Maybe by the time I CAN drive I'll have my real license. So, let's discuss how we're going to travel from church later, k? One of my peeps can probably take us if you want, so lemme know and all. And lemme know about the waterpark stuff I said yesterday. And I don't know if you guys were planning to go to one of our houses after le film tomorrow, but we totally should. :D Cuz that'd be rockin' too. And now, the mood has fallen upon me to watch a movie, Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story to be precise. Action packed totally not loyal to book Canadian cinema, gotta love it. Or not. But really, I could never not like Anne of Green Gables, could you honestly think that after my craze in junior high? And then of course there was the Winnie-The-Pooh craze, the Russia craze. Lots of crazes I had when I was young and immature. Now, I have matured, and my one craze for now and always will be Scotland. Which, by the way, I will be visiting from November 2nd or 3rd to 5th (Guy Fawke's Day!) of this year. Feel free to join me. Not a very long trip, but hey, it's better than nothing. And I'll just be going back to England after, so it's not like that's a total bummer. (Unless of course I meet the Bummer Twins! HAHAHAHAHAHaHaha. OK, so it wasn't funny. But you never know, they 'ARE' British. Seriously, we should try the humming thing sometime.) Well, actually, that's not a bummer at all. So, in 8 months and 6 days I will [if all goes well] be in Scotland, being immersed in the wonder that is Scottish accents. Hopefully not being murdered by drug addicts such as those in Sweet Sixteen. That movie had a dumb ending, hey? (I did love the movie though, it was horribly bad for my not-swearing ambitions but it was just lovely and scenic and gorgeously accentful :D) But anyway, I will also be in the midst of filling up approximately 20 rolls of film. Wouldn't it be ooooooorsome if my roommate[s] was Scottish? Oh yeeeeeeeeeeh. K, I must stop thinking about this before I work myself up and start packing or something. G'day y'all! I'm off to movie. :D

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