The Passion
You guys, The Passion is rated R, ain't that RETARDED?? Well, I mean, of course it's gonna be graphic but HELLO, I WANTED TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, as long as that was the US rating it should only be 14A or at the most 18A in Canada. Which means I can go when accompanied by and 18 year old, which should be not much of a problem seeing as how you're 'all' adults and everything. And cuz, you know, you all want to see it. Or so you should. However, if it IS rated R I can't go see it until May the 8th. How dumb is that?????! Extremely. But the trailer...AWESOME! And the trailer music...EVEN AWESOMER!!!!!!!!!! Man alive, MAN ALIVE!
Oh, and one question. Are you supposed to refrain from giving grad pictures until you graduate or just give them out when you get them? Cuz I got mine in the mail today and I'd really like to know. Thanks loads.
Have a lovely day y'all! Mwuah! ;)

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