Love Is Very Near, Ohhhhh, There WILL Be Miracles When You Believe
And one of those miracles would be that I spelled believe correctly.
So, I'm lovin' physics. Absolutely lovin' it. It's doing a quick catch-up with Bio. Of course, we've only done review so far, but seriously, it's reminiscent of awesome summer Physics. Even without Lo and Bev and the summer-ness of it all and the shiny gold and the slinkies and the vending machines, the refreshingly cool, the gobstoppers, the diving men, many meters, Rainbow snakes, etc, etc, etc. And of course the unforgettable length of that second when Mr. Reichelt dropped the tape dispenser. And 'Wow', most awesomely said by Bev. And me getting that question about running over the T-Rex that no one else in the whole class got. That was my finest moment. And we musn't forget the meter stick. Ok, I'm done remembering the wonderful times now. Except now I've been reminded of the good times in summer gym. Alas. I have come to the conclusion that Chem. is retarded and Physics is loooooovely. It must run in the family cuz dad liked Physics when he took it and so did Christie.
I completed my homework by 5 o clock today. I FINISHED it! Including the Math junk! And I actually did a good job of it AND my Physics! I never thought this day would come, but I have actually done my homework BEFORE the last minute.
Well, have a good day. I'm going to go suffer with my sore throat, plugged ear, achy head and painfully dried out and stuffed up nose. And my now 5/10 screwed up toes (I stubbed another one into permanent pain again yesterday). Oh, and the dried out eyes. All on the left side except for some of the toes. There is seriously something wrong with the left side of my body guys, for the past 2 years or so I only ever get sick/pain (uninduced by falling, stubbing or otherwise unnatural pain cases) on the left side of my body. Always left ear ear infections (I think this one MAY be almost gone), always most stuffed up on the left side, always stabbing pains on the left side, always headaches on the left side, always sore throat on the left side, always painful jaw on the left side. I think my right side is invincible my left side so overly susceptible. Don't be surprised if I get shot on the right side of my head but the bullet bounces off [sidenote: U2 is on The Simpsons!!!!! Go U2, lovely lovely music!], or should I happens to be shot in the left side of the head the bullet will be unable to escape my head and bounce around in my skull until my brains are fully sliced into pieces the size of processed cheese slices. Yeh, neway...
Have a fantabulous day all! :D And feel better soon Lou! :)

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