THE LORD OF THE RINGS HAS FINALLY GOTTEN THE RECOGNITION IT DESERVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 ACADEMY AWARDS (all the ones it was nominated for...including BEST MOTION PICTURE OF THE YEAR)!!! Although REALLY, it should have won all of them, even the best animated feature and best short film and best documentary. Just because it's awesome and who cares about all that other stuff. I mean, come ON, Pirates of the Caribbean didn't win anything. Not even Johnny Depp. Now seriously, there's something scewed about that. But anyway, I just felt like ranting because I have been waiting for 4 hours cuz first I thought the Oscars would be over at 8, then I thought they'd be over at 9, then I thought 10. Now it's 6 past 10 and they're still not over. But Return of the King has won. And that is all that matters. Even if it did push all my homework aside which means I'll probably fail 3 out of 4 test I have this week and well as be stressed to the point of spontaneous combustion between Tuesday and Friday (in the wee hours of the morn) as I have to complete my History IA between 8 o'clock in the evening on Tuesday and Friday morning, early Friday morning. It really sucks, but hey, it's my fault and I can live with it. My philosophy's guaranteed I'm going to Capernwray unless I die before then, so why be bothered by all this other crap that has too much effect on my life? I mean, who really CARES what factors led to the annexation of Czechoslovakia? If I was reading up on it on my own free time it'd be fine cuz history is so awesome, but instead I have to do this crappy thing that I'll probably fail anyway. So there goes the joy. And of course, it's stealing all the time I need to study for my Bio and Social test. At least the Social test is a paper 1, I love those. They're so incredibly much better even thought the details are deeper. But yeh, I'm gonna have to study my butt off tomorrow evening and hopefully that will tide me over until Friday while I work on my IA for History. It'd be really great if the paper 1 was ALL about Czechoslovakia between 1945 and 1948. I mean, what else do we need to know? Come on. Anyway, I better go study for Physics now. If I do I may be able to scrape 2 out of 4 passing marks on my tests this week. Although really, this whole Capernwray situation is putting a definite glow on everything meaning that I can't sit still, especially in social, and cannot concentrate due to the purging of my brain of all things but joy at going to Capernwray. Seriously, the past few classes I've either been daydreaming about driving on the left side of the road and living in a 'fortified manor house', as it has been so aptly called by some, walking past Buckingham Palace in complete awe, just because, and then, like, standing there at staring while I am in turn being stared at by everyone else because I'm just standing there staring while they stare at me.... HELLO! LONDON! Well, that was a nice long tangent, I WAS going to leave.
Oh, and I can't forget to say that 'The Passion' was quite awesome, despite the incredible gore. I have to say, although I did not cry (dangit, I was hoping it would be the one :: sniff ::), I have never come that close to crying during a movie than during this one. Which reminds me, I'm like your youth pastor Da, the Duane (sp?) dude; sometimes I just suddenly feel like crying for no particular reason at all, which is weird because I'm not the type to cry easily. Now that I have shared that for no reason that comes to mind, I shall finally take my leave. Have a good day. And if I seem to much in a ball of stress to talk, have a good week too. I'll see you on Saturday when perhaps a bit of stress will have flowed out. Grade 12 sucks. Stress in this caliber is NOT a good thing. I hate stress. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Goodbye!

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