K Da, that was the most spectacular pirouette/fall/purposeful shuffle dance EVER. It will definitely be a foremost memory to share with my grandchildren. I don't know what the moral of that story will be, but I've got at least 15 years to think about that. ;)
Kids these days, honestly, I saw these snowmen on the way home and one was holding a rope that was tied around the other's neck. It was tres sadistic. And then there were these little probably about 8 year old boys kicking a soccer ball and they were swearing because the ball went the 'wrong' direction. My goody goody goodness.
I can feel my abs, they are slowly becoming defined unseen by the human eye under the...stuff between my skin and internal organs. I CAN feel them. The lactic acid build up is quite small right now but by tomorrow I should be in sufficient pain. (Muscle fatigue pain is the BEST EVER, it makes me feel not quite so...out-of-shape-ish.) But you know, the other day I walked to school in a record 25.5 minutes. That was very nice since I hadn't walked to school in about a week and thought I'd take about 35 minutes.
There's another waterpark thing on April 30th, anyone interested? I KNOW, we're going next week already but hey, it's fun so keep it coming. Besides, if we get bored we can wander the mall and perhaps spend some quality time in the glass candy store. :D Or go skating! Or mini golfing. Etc. Yeh, so lemme know if anyone wants to go and if no one does I'm not going either because honestly, who wants to go swimming by themselves? Especially in cockroach infested places where you need screaming people to warn you of impending doom by cockroach that are crawling between your feet. I've recently realized that I have taken after my dad in many things such as being scared by nothing. Like, when things jump out at me or the car jerks cuz I accidentally drove into the deep snow where no one drives I don't freak out I just kindof keep going. It;s really great actually. Like yesterday when we were walking this dog popped out of nowhere and mom and Christie both screamed and me and dad just kindof walked on and were laughing our heads off at them. Ahhhh yes, 'twas good times. This is good, when my kids try to scare me it will never work. (We tried to scare dad a bajillion times when we were little but it never worked, I have inherited something good for once.) See, my theory is all the good genes (looks, brains, bone structure, personality-yes, genes-, etc) got passed on to Christie and I got all the bad stuff (incredibly horridity of looks, especially profile view, monster bone structure, shyness and pure annoying personality, etc). Not saying mom and dad are that way, just saying I happened to get, of all possible genes, the combination of most horrible ones. And that is the end of my ramble, have a g'day all y'alls. :D

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