It's great how you guys are so encouraging when you haven't even seen me drive yet. It may prove to be too much for you and you'll die of a heart attack or choking or bursting your alveoli cuz you gasped so hugely. But anyway, the encouragement is absolutely LOVELY! Thanks! :D :)
Grade 12, second semester. EAT MY DUST YOU BUMOLIE (is there an 'e'?)! Although it really can't eat my dust cuz it's actually beating me to a pulp, not racing behind me. Except perhaps that by beating me to a pulp it is creating dust as I impact the ground and then it, for some reason, eats that dust. Hmmmm, now THIS is something worthy of ponder. But yeh, this is pure crap. History internal assessment, english crappy jury junk, english test, physics test, math test, bio tests, IB exams, History test. And I'm probably forgetting over half the stuff I need to do. And then I have to get my passport photos, passport, make travel arrangement, apply for summer job, graduate and all this other crap. It's pure crap. CRAP.
Have you ever had numb eyes? It is the weirdest feeling. EVER. Except maybe when your arm falls asleep when watching an English movie and when you try to move it it just flops around like Harry's boneless arm. Hahahaha, good times. But, the good news is my prescription is the same as it was a year and a half ago, my eyes are not getting worse! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! NO blindness or contacts for me! Muahahaha.
Anyway, I'm gonna leave now. Goodbye chillun'. :D

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