I feel horrible.
But on the plus side, I have decided that my ideal guy is the British dude (the lovely one with dark hair) from What A Girl Wants. Except he should be Scottish. Have I said this all already? Actually, there was the Tim dude from Starfield until I found out that he's like 27. Of course, someone just like him but closer to my age would be excellent. And why am I talking about this? Good question. I guess this is what happens when I have explosive amounts of homework piled on to me. Hopefully the stress will render me unfit for being near humans tomorrow so I can finish all my homework tomorrow that's due tomorrow and then hand it in on Thursday. I'm really feeling the pointlessness of the majority of grade 12 right now. And the pointlessness of trying to be friends with some people. But thankfully, I can watch Treasure Planet or Sinbad or *Bend It Like Beckham* or Pirates of the Carribean or numerous other movies that I have carelessly bought over the past few years. Anyone have an eye on something that I own that you'd like to buy? I could really use some money to save up for my plane tickets. And just think, you'd be aiding in getting rid of me faster. THINK OF THE BENEFITS.
I've also decided that despite the fact that I already have a grad dress I think I shall refuse to attend my own graduation. Not only will I feel completely inadequate, hideous and fat going to grad I will also feel utterly depressed because I will be going by myself. I suspect all my buddies will have "significant others" (or semi-significant at least) to go to grad with, so should that occur I think I shall refuse to come. Grad is becoming more and more unappealing and I'd rather not be a loner while everyone else is rippin' it up and having a good ol' time. In that case the jealousy really WOULD drive me MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. Cuz it never has before (slkjroitksglsj). I'd rather stay home and watch Mr. Dressup so I can pretend to be a carefree kid again. Hey, that gives me an idea, we should have a Disney marathon one of these days!!!!! Ooooh, that'd be so much fun! So I'm immature, get over it.
K, really must go work on Bio. now. Stupid crap that is school. Fake sickness is looking VERY appealing right now. And of course you'll say I should be doing my homework instead of blogging, which would be true. But unfortunately, some of us are not IB machines, we are humans, thus we need breaks every once in a while. So goodbye.

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