He Has Perished
Or it is assumed so anyway. And I'm sure you're wondering who that he is, well, that'd be my poor baby Filo. I was leaving the house...and he flew at me and landed on my shoulder right when I closed the door, then the door scared him and he flew away. Away into the abyss, following the wind, not hearing our pitiful cries. I'm sure some sort of evil carnivore has discovered his lifeless body by now. My poor baby, the only thing that ever loved me unconditionally and sang me songs and whisteld at me. So now I'm gonna pretend to be cheerful but really every time I think about it my heart shrinks a little more and I'm weeping inside. To think, his little body flapping around and then tiring out and falling into the snow and squawking pitifully. I think I'm going to become a hard-crusted person, that meaning that I will never ever allow myself to care about anything living again. They die too easily. Of course, I can't do that so instead I have to sink into some pitiful pit of sorrow over a bird. Wow, this sinking feeling is so common these days. It's dastardly. I shouldn't be talking about this, it makes it worse.
On a lighter note, Starfield was and is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Beauteous music I tell ya.
Shouts to Tas and Lou...HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! Stay sober!
Well, goodbye my friends. I'm gonna go wallow in my sorrow now. :'(

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