Have I Ever Told You How Great It Is That You're Already 18? ;)
Well, frankly, it's awesome. Because The Passion is merely rated 18A or so it says on the big sign at Galaxy. Soooooooooo, we can all go see it on Thursday! Well, at least Da and Lo and me. Tas and Lou (to increase the concentration of maturiosity cuz you're all so OLD) can come too but I'm sure they're not quite so enthusiastic about it as we are, although that in no way way prevents them from coming. Besides the fact that they probably don't want to see it at all. (Prove me wrong?) Anyway, that is all I have to say. I took an extra 5 minutes to check after school. Apparently there're so many 18A and R rated movies playing right now they won't sell ANY tickets at the little machines. 'Tis quite amusing. But anyway, keep your schedules free and clear for Thursday all who wish to come! :D EXCITEMENT!
Oh, and one other thing. I scheduled my last driving lesson (8AM on Saturday...WHAT WAS I THINKING?????????) and I scheduled the road test which will take place at approximately 11PM on Saturday. I only mention times so you can all stay off the roads and warn all who you wish to save as I am liable to run something over again. Ooops, did I say again????????? I mean I've NEVER run anything over. Seriously. You know I'd be petrified of driving if I had run something over. And that would be dastardly cuz driving brings me JOY. Especially the river valley. I'd never realized. Wow. G'bye! :D

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