Guess what guys?! I can see my comments again! For about the past hundred years I haven't been able to open them when I clicked on the link nothing happened. And now they work again! Hence the abundance (3) of comments from me. Lo man, you should bring le mini cassette recorder tonight if you read this before then.
I have to go for another driving lesson today. Maybe we'll go to the other part of Edmonton near South Edmonton Common (IKEA!). That'd be cool. Although that means no cool river valley curvy steep roads. I think I wanna go over the High Level Bridge. Even though it's so narrow that you have to pass cars in the other lane about 3 cm away. It still looks fun. But that's just me, I'm sure no one else would agree cuz you're all so...weird. :p That was a pretty bad insult hey?
And now I have to go get ready, do my chores and then delver the flyers that I didn't deliver yesterday. I hope no one kills me for that. Oh well, if they do I believe you should play the song from '28 Days Later' at my funeral. Goodbye all y'all! :D

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