Excessive Grobany Goodness
I'm sorry...I had to, it's just...curly hair...and, you know...eyelashes of dark and longness and just pure...goodness. Please just, enjoy the beauty. Cuz he is...beautiful. Mmmmmmmmmm.
This picture (above) is the awesomest EVER. Although, these are all spectacular.
Ok, now that you have all seen "THE EYELASHES" of beauty, and it has been established that no one could possibly be as gorgeous, I shall continue to rave. I don't care what you say. He surpasses Orlando Bloom. Even Orlando's beautiful puppy dog look. Although I must say his curly hair is absolument lovely. He still doesn't compare to...the beauty that is...Josh Groban's eyelashes. And eyes. And hair. And all around gorgeosity. I think I shall make a point of kidnapping him someday just so I can look at him and his beauty. I bet even Georgia would think he's gorgy. Even moreso than 'The Sex God', can you believe it? I sure can. I mean, sure he doesn't have a British accent, but honestly, that's ok. He's got that inner (akhskhandlagldouteralgfklsdg) beauty that all males should have. I mean, come on, who needs genes for blond, straight, anything else that is not Grabany hair. And now I have completed my shallow ranting. That should suffice for...a while. At least I can always go back to the pictures! :D
Mmwah! ;) Have a loooovely day my gorgeous friends/acquantances and other such wonderful people. Heck, if I've never spoken to you before in my life or perhaps I have at one point hated you, you are still gorgeously gorgeous. Fabbity fab-fab y'all. This day has brought me joy.
P.S. There are over 10 less days until Capernwray than I thought! What joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and guess what? I have come to...a realization. And I shall never mourn again! Well, unless someone dies. But this is good news folks, I am...completely over everything (YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS. And if you don't, have no worries, you will never need to worry about it.). Not to mention using an excessive amounts of elipses (I am TRULY sorry if that bothers you, please accept my sincere apologies to whichever of you gorgeous folks I have...annoyed. Whoops! There I go again. Sorry!). So yeah, I'm super joyful right now. It's almost as if Josh Groban has just showed up at my door and proposed to me....................k, I'm back now. Except no, I'm not quite so shallow to want to marry someone I don't even know. I'll continue to be available until I find me some highly unshallow (he'd kindof hafta be) Scottish guy. Although if I can't find one of them I really CULD settle for the British dark haired wonder boy in "What A Girl Wants". Providing he comes with the personality of, well, himself in the movie. It makes him about 12 hundred million times more attractive and he was pretty darn spiffy in the first place. Have I ever mentioned that I hate talking about boys excessively? Therefore I really AM goinf to stop now. So goodbye my minions. FLY MY MINIONS, FLY! I know you want to. Whoops, wrong...group of buddies. So goodbye my lovely lovely lovlies. Don't forget, you're all gorgeous and, no really you ARE. Don't go looking at me that way! It's so the truth. And I'll be highly miffed if you don't trust me. So TRUST ME! Only you beautiful people would read this far. Suffer through the boredom that is my blog, etc. You're all so...triple cool with knobs. Goodbye! :D

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