You guuuuuuuys are so awesome. (((hugs)))
It's OK
Take me or leave me, don't have to believe me
All the words I have to say, all the songs that fly away
Take me or leave me, believe me good will come
It's OK, you know I'll live to fight another day
It's OK, you know I'll live to find another way
She's as pretty as hell and her eyes have no home
The beauty has run from your face
Such beauty that hung from your face
And if you would drink this wine you'll shine
It's OK, you know I'll live to fight another day
It's OK, you know I'll live to find the words to say
It's OK, you know I'll live to find another way
And if you would give me holy wine, I'll shine
Will you come to me like a summer's day
I will sing again
Don't mind me as I put random lyrics of awesome songs up.
Tomorrow I have to write my chem. 'make-up'exam. I SHOULD be able to raise my mark cuz I'm sure I'll do better than I did on that Redox (that reminds me of Oxbridge) reactions unit exam. Although I'm pleased to say I passed ALL the unit exams even though my studying was minimal if not non-existent. And after that I shall be bored, so if you are bored too then we should,um, go see a movie so I can use my pass. ;) Of course, I know you'll all be busy like usual, so I'll most likely end up sitting on MSN for several hours and then watching POTC again. I need some variation in my life. So, if that is the case and you just have the strange urge to have pity on me and come on MSN, please have no qualms about doing so. G'night! :) :D

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