You guys, you guys, you guys, you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have ShoutOuts!!!!!!! Check it out! You can hardly see them, but they are in the same place they were before, but the colour is kindof hard to see. But THEY ARE THERE! So comment away if you wish. Oh, and all the previous shouts from the days of old are still there too even though the format is different now; they got imported or something. Yay! I'm so happy now. Yesterday was good stuff, 'twas a tres awesome movie and I want to watch it again. And again. We need to stop watching movies with such good guys in them, I keep being all wistful and want me some nice looking yet honeyful guy of gorgeous personality. Man, why can't all guys just make him their hero and strive to be like that? Or, how 'bout they just magically all grow up to be like that. Yeh, that'd be good. Anyway, I'll stop my hopeless rant now and leave it to those that, um, may actually be deserved of that hope. Was there even hope? Meh, wotever, have a good day y'all! :D I think I'll go watch Princess Diaries and look at some more lovely, sensitive guy. Mmmm, goodbye. :D

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