Whoa, weirdest thing ever. I was digging through the antique writing desk downstairs and what did I come across but an old grad ring? I thought it was a Sal. ring which would have been highly disconcerting because neither of my parents went to Sal. and I know for a fact that Christie did NOT get a grad. ring. And it's really tarnished so obviously it can't only be 4 years old. The reason I thought it was a Sal. ring is because the letters S.C. are engraved in the side below the word Sabres and a pic of said sabres. S.C. would stand for Salisbury Composite and Sabres is our team, makes sense right? Buuuut, upon further inspection S.C.I. is actually what's engraved, which is said to be the Steinbach Collegiate Institute on the top of the ring and the side has the Manitoba crest and says Manitoba on it. D'you suppose I could pass it off as a Sal. ring if I cleaned it a bit? I'd never wear it actually, it's too huge and...huge. I would assume it's my mom's since she went to school in Steinbach, the school they made her go to because she was 'not learning inclined' which apparently everyone who doesn't speak English as a first language is, but it fits me so unless this ring was made for her thumb it can't be hers because her bones are extremely small and alas only Christie seems to have inherited that trait. Yes, Christie takes after mom, I take after dad. That would be perfectly fine IF I WAS A MALE. I am not therefore; grrrrrrrrrrr. Anyway, I'm thinking perhaps it was a ring belonging to one of mom's gajillion and a half boyfriends. Christie also inherited the ability to have a boyfriend which I quite obviously did not, of course I am 'young' so there is still time for me but I think I shall not dispense of this false hope. Yeh, mom likes to regale the tales of her younger days which usually include the mention of some random guy and then dad goes, "who was THAT" and me and Christie just snicker as we add another tick to the list of mom's boyfriends that is rapidly climbing in number. But soon I will be alone in my snickering because Christie will be off to her new life. Actually, I will probably not be snickering about that either because at this time next year I should be far away...perhaps I will have found my cave and will be sitting around the fire drinking hot chocolate with my buds who I will have informed of my new abode. Or perhaps we shall be drinking cocktail by Lo. (Non-alcoholic of course ;) ...is that possible?) Anyway, I really have no idea why I just spouted on about a random boring event of my day, hopefully it has enlightened you about the injustices done upon the non-English speaking population as well as how utterly stupid genetics can be. Have a wonderful gut day! :D

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