Well, I think I should have beaten my Redox unit exam mark on my test today. I only had four question starred in the multiple choice (out of 44), 2 in the numeric response (out of 12) and 1 in the written response (there were 3 of those,each out of 12! :S). For the multiple choice part it started out as ALL the redox questions starred cuz I'm horrible at redox stuff, it is my sworn enemy, but then I went back and actually thought about them and the answers were really obvious, so 'twas good stuff. The one written question I starred was something about monoprotic and polyprotic and how you could determine which one of those an unknown acid was. So I just rambled on about how you should use methyl red and you will discover that the acid is indeed polyprotic (I don't even know what protic means so I really was making a complete senseless ramble of the answer) because it turns red and has more than one proton. And then I went on about how protic is a joy to say and that I really had no clue what I was doing in the question and that I should get marks for writing skills and creativity and the like. And then I rambled on some more and it was a good time. I think it's my best answer yet, it was a full page when I finished. Perhaps I'll post it on my blog when I get it back. ;)
The basement is much too cold. And I almost made a complete fool of myself no less than 7.341 times today. Stupid icy snow. Oh, but you know what? This slippery stuff would make for an insanely fast sled ride. :D I'm bored, am I going to have to watch POTC again? Alas,I think that's what it's going to be. You know what's weird? It's almost supper time but it feels like I've only been up for a couple hours. I really got up a couple hours before my exam so I could study some more. I'm such a diligent student. ;) In total I think I studied for about 5 hours for this test, not bad since it's on the entire course. Yeh, I was gonna leave like 5 minutes ago. So have a super fantabulous day and don't die on the ice, ok? Cuz that would make me sad. Anyway, I shall dash now. :D

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