Well, I have interrupted my regularly scheduled daily visitations of about half of the websites on the world wide web to bring you this *NEWSFLASH*. There is no newsflash actually, I just felt like adding a little futile excitement to your day.
So, now I have to say that yesterday was a day of pure joy. Besides the first part in which we sat around for 20 minutes "thinking" of stuff to do. We're so good at improvising how to sled when there are less sleds than people. Well, sometimes it's more disastrous than good. But yeah, I'm thinking perhaps we should write a book on the proper formations for sledding and then sell it for lots of percent commissions eh? We can split up the profits and take a 'roadtrip' to Scotland. Although I'm sure most of you would rather blow it on something else. Alas, I shall have to go by myself and ward off all those drug traffickers and highly not understandable highlanders. Man, if I watch that movie several more times I might just be able to understand it ENTIRELY without subtitles!!!! And you know, I'm gonna have to watch Freaky Friday a couple more times because, um, I just need to take advantage of the two day rental. And I must see if I can find any hidden special features. *Ahem* And that is all, there is no other reason. ;)
We really need to finish THE BOOK which is actually the second book. It's so joyful, haHA!
I was thinking before and I came up with this revolutionary thought (I do that a lot), but alas I no longer remember what it was (I also do that a lot). But I actually DID come up with this other revolutionary thought and I DO remember this one; I should do some homework/studying. I'm such a slacker, but really, why should they pile stuff on us for Christmas holidays? It's positively primeval! (I have no clue how to spell that. Is it one word like how I spelled it or is it two separate words or is it two words connected by a hyphen-how do you spell hyphen? I think I need to work on my spelling my friends, I used to be such a good speller. I guess that's what comes from hitting my head so many times. )
Well, have a g(reat)'day all y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
P.S. I haven't done a new song lyric in a while so I'm going to put one from my newly discovered favourite song. Here it is: "....never thought I'd say I'm sorry..." That's sadly all I can remember of the lyrics at the moment, but I love the song. Enjoy! :D

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