I know I have written too much today already but THIS IS THE LAST FRICKIN' STRAW! Half of one of the mouse's heads is GONE, presumably in it's nest-mate's stomach. MICE ARE CANNIBALS!!!! I think it's just that one, it's the only one that's having problems. It has now killed a total of two out of six mice. So here's the deal, never pick on someone else because they're liable to get back at you and EAT YOUR HEAD. Sorry if that was slighlty graphic, but believe me, it's nothing compared to the real thing. I can't handle anything dying even if it is a retarded bully mouse. Seriously, this is feeling like the end of the world here. I need therapy. This is just like the time dad ran over that cat. I didn't get over that for weeks, the problem is this time I SAW it so...seriously I feel on the verge of...refusing to care about anything. And all this for a rodent. I really do need to go buy me some therapy (I lost my snog, perhaps it's hiding under the bed. That'd be double fab avec knobs.).

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