Ahhhh, sweet relief. Dad got an email from the registrar at Capernwray, they dunno what happened with the cheque but they're still holding my place. And we got 3 new mice, supposedly female but I guess we shall see in time. They have like, pet female mice now at the pet store but they're not selling them yet cuz they're really small and new and they have to make sure they do ok before getting rid of them. They're so much cooler than ours, some are brown and some are white with brown spots. Why didn't they have brown ones when we bought them in the first place? That's what I wanted anyway.
I went to the chiropractor today, my problems from sledging and stuff seem to have been fixed now. Good stuff. But I have to go back in a week cuz apparently my 'neck and upper-back' were in absolutely horrid form today. Could be cuz I haven't gone since November, haha, probably. And I got more 'Vanilla' ice-cream from Yogen Fruz; the pretty stuff. I tell you, it's NOT vanilla but it's delicious! Mmmmmmmm. And I got new shampoo which is really not very exciting. But it's by FUDGE and it's called Unleaded or something. It's like putting unleaded fuel on your hair. Except not.
My hair has totally gone pouffed today from my side ponytail yesterday. That was good times dudes. Good ollllllllllllllllllllll' times. AND I tried on my dress this morning and it fits better than when I bought it so I dunno what happened there; it's totally illogical. Perhaps I won't have to get it altered after-all.
So, all in all today has been an awesome day in comparison to most other days, exept for my cold and ear infection. But I'm used to that, so it's a non-issue. Have lovely days y'alls! :D
Oh, and songity songity song of the time interval of your choice. Da, look at this, you're going to get them ALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! Ok, so here goes...think back, waaaay back. Well, not THAT far back but as a ratio of the years since this song was at it's most popular to how many years you've lived in total it may just be a LONG way back. "....the tears devour you..."

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