Random Junk
Well, the math mid-term was not NEARLY as bad as I was expecting. I mean, I could actually do all the questions whereas on the review...we'll let's just say I could not. Now if I fail it's completely due to my stupidity and will have nothing to do with me not understanding things....roit. Except for the time/distance/velocity question. I hate those. I still say they were moving apart at 62 km/h.
I get to go to the doctor in 45 minutes. Yeehaw, maybe he'll tell me AGAIN that my ear infections aren't serious enough to do anything about. Come on, people my age aren't even supposed to get ear infections anymore. And I mean, it makes no difference that my ear is never completely unplugged, the infections are always in the same ear, I get them quite frequently and they are so painful that I am forced to relieve the pain through tears which do nothing at all.
I got two new shirts and a pair of 'dress pants' today. Both the shirts are Tommy Hilfiger (sp?) which was TOTALLY not planned, but they're good stuff. I can be stylin'. Haha, yeh, that's right. But I have two more warm-ish items for cold big castle-type boarding-ish school next year. Yay!!!!!!!!! I'm going to bring one honkin' fleece blanket I think. Except that would take up too much room, I have to be as conservative space-wise as possible when I go so I can bring as much back (coming back? haha, we'll see about that) as I can jam into my bags without them being over the allowed weight. Speaking of that, I should check what the allowed MASS/bag is. Then I can get started on my packing. JK! I'm not THAT nerdy. Well, I am, but I'll wait till June or so I think. :D Jeepers you guys, I only have 7/8 months until I'm off to my newfound home. Cuz they're gonna have to drag me away. I'll just put on several hundred pounds so it's impossible for them to move me. Then I'll lose it all when they give up and I'll attract some hot Scottish guy with my newfound lost weight hotness. Yeh, right, like THAT would happen. I 'like' to think that underneath the hideousness that is...there is more hideousness. Cuz then there is no disappointment in the end whatever the end may be. I'm sick of me.
New song, gj Da for getting the last one! :D "....like a drug that makes you blind, it'll fool you every time..." Go for it, connect four! I had to say it, it's in my head cuz Lo always used to say it.

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