We got mice!!!!!!!!!!!! They are the cutest things EVER, and they're soft and white and called cool names. They have been dubbed Albie, Spot, Withe, Nacho, Houdini and McGregor. Can you guess which ones are mine? Hyuk, I love my mice and they have the best names EVER.
K,guys we totally need to a) go see a movie and b)go sledding again. This weekend. Preferably Friday, Saturday or Sunday. But I guess you figured that out since I said this weekend. But we so should. So lemme know when yur busy and not busy and all. :D And then you can all come see our mice! Yay!!!!!!!!!
Love y'alls, g'day! :D :D :D
P.S. I would suggest either emailing me with your responses or posting in the guestbook cuz I can't see the ShoutOuts at the moment. :( I cry at that. Goodbye! :)

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