Math Needs Some Serious Therapy
More specifically Calculus. Honestly, what is the point of such a retarded subject???? I'm never going to need to know the derivative of a Logarithm again in my life and if I do it'll be for more schoolwork which also has pretty much no point or purpose. WHY DO WE HAVE TO LEARN THIS JUNK????? Come to think of it, a lot of school is pointless. I get to live through crappy school so I can go to another crappy school so that after that I can live a crappy stressful life full of crappy people who say nothing but crap and think nothing but crap and have no purpose but to make themselves have a 'better' crappy life before they die anyway. Crappy world. One school I have praise for is Capernwray, it doesn't sound like crap to me. At least it's useful. I haven't gone yet, but at least it's not full of pointless crappy subjects. My view of the world? It's mostly crap except for several select people and several select places which are also not perfect but in comparison to everything else they seem pretty much so. I am not included in that select group. So basically my uncrappy people and my uncrappy places are the only good things in life I'm gonna get. So I guess I'll be like the poopsmith and pile up all the crappy things I come across and attempt to make the best of it. Wow, I don't think I've ever said crap that many times before. Feel free to replace it with another word if you think it would suit better. So, have fun in your hopefully more crap-free life and don't fail your math unit exam like stupid me and my crappy brain tomorrow.

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