Lots Of Random Joy
-I haven't been this unhealthy in ages, I had pizza for lunch and a burger for supper. Which isn't really joyous cuz now I've probably gained about 600 pounds more than the gajillion that I was already.
-I bought Bend It Like Beckham cuz it's totally awesome. They only have full-screen version left as previously viewed but that's ok cuz I still own it and can watch it whenever I want.
-'I' bought a shirt at Ricki's for 15 bucks and it's cool and has fake fur on it. Me and fake fur do not really go together but Da convinced me (and she bought it for me, of course I WILL be paying her back) and despite the fact that it's tight, I quite like it. I'll wear it tomorrow and you can all tell me how horrid it looks on me and I will laugh at you cuz you have no fabbity-fab-fab fake fur to speak of.
-I bought Peeps cookie marshmallows. Mmmmmm, taste so much like raw cookie dough.
-I got a babysitting job for tonight about 2 minutes after I walked in the door because the kids have been asking for me so their mom decided to go out tonight so I could come babysit. So now I can pay back Da and Lo at least partially tomorrow and maybe (cross your fingers) I will have enough to pay for my half of the cd. So because of this I have no idea when I'll be home tonight so Da, you're gonna have to email me unless I'm magically on MSN when you are. If the kids are in bed I can go on MSN, so good stuff.
-The school library has THE BOOKS as Lo and I so smartly discovered today. So onto the third book we go. :D
-Da and I have established that I'm going to try out for Canadian Idol, then I'm going to win, fly to Scotland and woo my man with my riches. Of course, he'll be rich too so really he'll be falling in love with ME, not my money. ;) And if I don't win then I'll go to Scotland, become a bum, my hot Scotsman will find me, take pity on me, take me into his home and nurse me back to health and then marry me. Or we could mix the two and I'll PRETEND to be poor so he'll do the same and then when we get married I'll know he loves me for me and I'll reveal that I'm really a multi-millionaire. :D
So, uh, now that I've related all the news of my day I shall leave you to your own entertainment and please, don't eat too much junk food. ;) And I would also like to request that you have a wonderful time until we meet again cuz otherwise I'll have to mourn for you and you're non-funnity. I need to work on my maturiosity eh chaps? Otherwise no Jock McThick will love me and my Scottish adoration when I go to Och-Aye land. You know, I wouldn't mind going to Kiwi-ago-go land either, but given the choice between the two of them I'd pick...THE SEASICK CROCODILE! Whoops, sorry, wrong song. Actually that wasn't even supposed to be a song. What am I ON?? The chair!!!!!! Sorry guys, I ate to many marshmallows. So, given the choice between the two of them I'd take Och-Aye land. But you all knew that. :D Goodbye!

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