I almost died a horrible death while I was walking home today. I took my gloves off for less than a minute to put my scarf on and my hands were so cold I could barely put my gloves back on and I was half way home before I could feel my fingers again! Heed my advice, never underestimate that weather and always overdress, it saves the amputation of important body parts later. Of course, this near death experience was more than worth it because upon my arrival home I discovered something for me in the mail. It wasn't from Capernwray which was rather disappointing buuuuuut, it WAS a movie pass valid for admissions up to $14! Is that not EXCELLENT?????? Now I can go to a movie! I don't know which one but yeeeeeeeeeah! We should have a movie day!
My blog reminds me of Star Wars now. You know, the whole scrolley part at the beginning with "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."? Yeh, that part. But oh well, I like Star Wars and at least this is now readable (without bursting an eye socket or having an occipital lobe overload). Wow, I'm such a nerd. Da, I promise you that for your birthday the writing will be neon pink. Just make sure you remind me. :D
Anyway, have a joyous day everyone! :D I know I will with my CHEM FREE MONDAY!!!!!!! :D :D

Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?
Teehee! I didn't do that on purpose, btw. It adds some gorgeousity to my blog though. ;) And it sounds kindof true too...I sound so innocent! Thanks for discovering this Bever! I just thought I'd steal it from you...well you know, we're even since you 'stole' the swirly rainbow ball thinger. ;)
OH OH OH OH OH!!!!!!!!!!! NEWSBOYS AND AUDIO ADRENALINE and Rebecca St. James AND MANY MORE COMING TO YC 2004!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Yay! Switchfoot should SO come.

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