Have a good day all y'all! :D :DI'm saying this now because this is REALLY long and you may not have the attention span to read all the way through. So, I will also be saying the likes of that at the end, but I'm saying it now just in case you don't feel like reading all the way there.
I HATE MSN!!!!!!!!! At the moment that is. Not only am I unable to sign into messenger, I'm also unable to check my email! It just comes up with the stupid 'this page cannot be found' junk. And when I sign into MSN it comes up with the message 'your screen name or password is incorrect, please go to help if you have forgotten your password'. Ummmm, hello, I THINK I know my own password and I THINK that since I've been trying to sign in on both my email addresses and it comes up with the same stinkin' message thing THAT IT'S PROBABLY NOT THE PROBLEM!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Is anyone else having a problem or is it just me again? I have no means of communication with the outside world and I hate it. Now would be the time to kill something.
Well, yesterday I couldn't sleep so I went off on a thinking rampage again which was probably WHY I could not sleep. So, I was thinking about how in less than a year I'll be in a different country, completely alone and I'll have to wander around and find a way to Capernwray after getting to the airport, whichever one that may be. Hmmm, I wonder if it'd be cheaper to fly to Scotland and then take the bus to Capernwray. Meh, we'll look into that later I suppose. And then I was thinking about how I can just like, wander around the grounds, which are absolutely gorgeous judging by pictures and hearsay. And I have also decided that I don't want to sit on a plane for who knows how long in silence so if the person sitting beside me looks appropriately amiable I shall have to strike up a conversation because I've only ever flown on a plane with people I know so I HAVE to have someone to talk to, especially for such a long flight. And then when I get to wherever I happen to fly to I'm going to take pictures, many many pictures. And finally dad mentioned that I should get a simple (we'll see if I can change that to the Kodak equivalent of the fancy one that he wants; I like the Kodak one better cause it's black instead of silver-I usually like silver better but in digital cameras I like black better most of the time-and because it has a cooler flash and the screen is bigger and it's just lovely) digital camera for the trip so I can send pictures home easily and I still think it's a great idea so be prepared for tons of pictures next year. You know what would be funny? Well, not really funny but ironically funny? If some stupid thing came up so that I couldn't go to Capernwray. And after all this time I'm talking about it. Man, if I can't go I will have major issues and will most likely need a therapist or perhaps even have to go live in an asylum or whatever they call them nowadays.
Well, that was my spiel for the day. I'm gonna go do homework or something which will probably end up being reading. Because I'm unable to talk to y'all on MSN and I shall have to go worry about it for a while. I'm a sad, sad person my friends. But I really do need to work on that poetry which I only started yesterday. I should probably study a bit for my chem dip. and math mid-term too. Oh, that's another reason I couldn't sleep. I had just been reading HP5 and you know how he's all worrying about his OWLS and junk yeh? Well, for those of you who have read it anyway. Well, I just then (not actually just then, but it sank in horribly then) realized that I'm in grade 12 and I'm still being a major slacker. This is very bad. Very bad indeed. Despite the fact that I seem to be able to pull off English by making up essay topics five minutes before class when we've had a week to think about it, etc I am a heap of stress now and grrrrrr. Stupid everything. Notice how I say stupid about thiings only? Yeh, that means I only speak about things in a negative way unless it happens to be the school system people of Alberta or MSN people. So don't go like, she wants to leave us, blah blah blah because we have had this discussion before and NO I do not want to leave you. By all means, make it more fun and come along! Although sometimes I feel it's really questionable whether it'd matter to you at all if I left. But most of the time it's all good sooooooo, I shall stop saying all this boring stuff now and go do something retarded like homework.
Oh, wait. Guess what? Last night I dreamed that Christie and Jon were getting married TODAY and I was supposed to be a bridesmaid except I didn't have a dress and I was wearing jeans and a sweater. And Christie didn't have a dress either, she was wearing my grade 9 grad skirt and a sweater. It was mighty weird. And then for the reception we went to this games room thingy and it had those weird horse race thingys like they have at West Ed. and stuff. And then I vaguely remember this other dream in which I was driving around in the snow (which I did yesterday, 'twas good fun) and I think I was being chased by someone or something. It wasn't such a good dream. And then there was this other one and I was married and I had two little girls (kindof ironic, hey? Considering that I'd rather have little boys because they're so cute and little and sooooo much more fun. I mean, they enjoy playing with lego and have the greatest little imaginations ever whereas little girls are like...let's play house or barbies or make Stef be our model and make her stand on little Ikea kids' stools and dress her up with blankets and laundry baskets. Yeehaw! This summer has opened my eyes.) Yeh, and they I kept putting them to bed but then they kept popping up all over the house so we had to find them again. Oh, wait there was a little boy, he was obedient and stayed in his bed. Anyway, then I had to have a shower but the light switch was like and everything switch and I ad no clue how it worked. It was round and spinny and had little pictures all over it for what you were turning on when you pushed the button. But I was so confused, And then the doorknob was ANOTHER spinny switch. Oh the confusion! And the house was awesome. It had the most insane floorplan ever but I loved it immensely. There was upstairs and then downstairs but the girls' bedroom was like in a loft because you got into it from a ladder-like stairway from the basement, but it was actually on the main floor. It was really cool. Except it was pink, that slightly diminished the goodness. Meh. Have a wonderful good day y'all!!! Miss you! :)

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