I'm in Forensics again. We get to play forensics games for the first half of class and then watch a Bill Nye (sp?) video for the rest of the class. Yay! So, now I'm solving a heinous crime. It's VERY exciting, and the pictures are cartoony. Good times. Let me reiterate that these computers are reeally slow. I'm supposed to find 4 clues in this area and I can only find three, garbles.
So, I watched American Idol yesterday. Beats me how some of those people think they're good. They're totally just embarrassing themselves. I mean, come on, unless you're super good don't even attempt. Or at least make sure you can carry a tune so you don't render all the judges deaf by the time you're done. I sound so mean...but it's true. Although it can provide good entertainment. Which would be why I watched it.
Well, the Math test was quite as crappy as I was suspecting. So that's good. Well, we're going to watch the video in 10 minutes so I better solve the case. G'bye! Have a lovely day! :D

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