Hahaha, I just remembered the most hilarious thing. Like half an hour before the Chem. diploma the fire alarm went off and we all complained and the teachers complained so instead of going outside we all waited inside. And someone forgot to call the 'Emergency Services' so the fire truck and ambulance came and were sitting in front of the school and the fire-men came in and were searching around for fires while we were all being horribly un-safety conscious and waiting inside. 'Twas good times. The alarm started in the library but they donae know how cuz all the people in the library were (apparently) all studying and not pulling fire alarms. So yeh, that was fun. Still hearing in horrible chords. Kindof makes life seem like one never-ending horror movie with horrible horror music. (Like that website yesterday. Ugh.) Anyway, g'bye.
Do you realize that you have the most beautiful face?
I have just discovered one of my deep psychological problems. I am a people pleaser. Except whether I please them or not makes no difference because if I DON'T please everyone as much as possible, they wouldn't care because I don't matter enough and because they just don't care, or so it seems.

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