Am I Rich?
Well, the answer to that is ABSOLUTELY NOT! I wish, I mean, jeepers. I can't even afford...stuff. But anyway, I'm on this rant because I checked out the tuition fees for the University of Edinburgh for no apparent reason cuz I know it would be too expensive, but this is outrageous...£10, 650 for like one frickin' year!!!!!!! Education is such a sham. Well, the education part isn't but the tuition part IS. Apparently I'm gonna be stuck in boring old Edmonton if I ever want to attend a post-secondary school. How boring. I'd at least like to go to UBC or something in BC or even somewhere outside of here. But nooooo, they have to make it so only rich people and super geniuses can go. Why can't I just frickin' find a million dollars lying around and do whatever I want with my life. Stupid expectations and society and work and CRAP. Yes, I know this is another crap rant. But as we all know, bad things are so rare compared to good things that only the bad stuff is worth mention. Ok, here we go...I'm gonna find some really rich Scottish guy who cares not if he has to marry a 'poor girl' and then I'll marry him (he'll be wearing full Scottish garb of course), convince him to live in a treehouse or a cave and then all my dreams will be complete and my life will wonderful. Or at least in theory it would be. I wish I was the Maid of Glencoe. I mean, who cares if she spent the first 18 or so years of her life as a mute, witch/crazy girl. She got to run around the hills of Scotland! Mind you, she also had to watch her family die at the hands of the clan of the man she loved, but at least he merely got shot and the snow that had fallen staunched the blood flow so he survived. I think she may even have lived in a cave. She got to spend the first bit of her life romping around the hills in Scotland with no rules and restraints! Ahhh, that would be the life. How 'bout we go back about...200 years, maybe a bit more and live in log cabins or huts in the wilderness? That's it guys, if I don't 'get' a career in the outdoors I don't know what I'm gonna do. I might just have to, like, go on a protest or something. Saving trees and rainforests and parks and the like. Hmm, that sounds quite nice actually.
In another small and unimportant part of my brain there IS other stuff going on. This would be the non-slacker, actually caring about my future other than living in a cave part of my brain. So, the written part of the Chem. exam was really good. I think. Well, we'll see I guess. You tell ME how to find the average temperature of a Bunsen Burner flame, eh? You know, I could express myself so much better if I could just use some nice swears (oxy-moron!). But I won't, because I can control myself in some aspects. You guys, I write on my blog everyday. How sad is that? Look at how much stuff I've written without even accomplishing anything. Except revealing that I'm poor and am unsatisfied with the times. And yes, I know there are disadvantages to other times too. But I'd say the ones of now are more prominent.
Lo, unless my Scottish rich-o has a giant property to go with his castle, I might have to claim that Irish 'cowboy' I promised you for myself. Sorry mate, I'll find you another Irish hottie. Maybe a soccer coach. ;) But yeah, I'm gonna leave now before you all shake your heads at me in exasperation cuz I have nothing to do with my life (NO homework today, I absolutely refuse to do any) other than write long and drawn out things on my blog which interest you in no way at all. Bye! :)
P.S. Do me a favour and tell me if my blog looks horrible when I change it please. :)

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